Debt Invalidation

Debt Invalidation is the act of having a lender verify an account and its owner. There are companies out there that offer this service which may be an options for some people. However, you don’t want to make the costly mistake of seeking to do debt invalidation if it doesn’t really apply to you. Many people always ask “is debt validation a scam?” The correct answer is no it is not a scam. However, many places that offer the service may spin it like it is.

The best way to look at what debt invalidation consist of is to look at it as being debt version of credit repair. Here you are requesting that the original lender demonstrate the proof or burden that you owe the debt that they are saying you owe. You are essentially trying to call the lenders bluff that the debt still pertains to you. If they are unable to provide proof of that debt then it is dismissed entirely and you don’t have to pay on that debt. So this is a bit of a all or nothing gamble on your debt in a sense.Here you are basically demanding the creditor/lender to show original proof of the debt from where you first signed you signature to take on that debt. If they can not provide this document then the debt is “no longer valid”

How Does Debt Invalidation Work?

So companies who offer this service may try to spin it as though you wont have to pay on the debt. However, if you know that you owe that debt and you feel that the lender can demonstrate proof that you signed up for that account you probably shouldn’t waste your money hiring a company to do the impossible. Because unlike something like debt settlement if your company fails to get the debt erased you still have to pay the company and the debt you owe so your are basically paying money for nothing.

In other instances you may hear some come companies tell you that they will provide you with a credit repair service along with you debt invalidation to add value to their service however, debt invalidation is essentially the same thing because if you don’t owe the debt essentially the lender should not be reporting it. So naturally the credit repair should happen but of course the credit bureaus aren’t perfect and sometimes it may slip through the cracks so that is why they offer this extra value to verify that the bureaus will report it correctly for you which is an added bonus. So instances where debt invalidation may work out for you are during times that you know you don’t owe on a particular debt that is being demanded from you. Of course there are some more finer points to this and it might be just the thing you need but you can easily find out today in a free consultation.